Sunday 17 February 2019

February 8th 2019. Walking from Cosby to Whetstone. app 4 mls.

Right from the start of our walk it was raining, not torrential but significant. Hence they are no photos of the start of the walk...................... 
The idea was to keep it short and if the heavens opened as per forecast we would beat a hasty retreat back to Cosby.
As we progressed the rain was much more subdued so we decided to go to Attfields Farm Shop for our tea/coffee break.
When we got there it was heaving with people all going for late breakfast. Absolutely no way could they fit in another twenty plus walkers. 
A quick call to Granny Smiths in Cosby and they couldn't accommodate us either.

So we set off back. No tea, no coffee and no cake. Just a bit damp.

Walking back along Springwell Lane.

 Past the local branch of JCB.

The new church under construction, we are on a wait and see mission. It looks a bit drab at the moment. So it is wait and see.

Puddles galore.

Some catkins blowing in the breeze.

And some blossom about to burst into bloom.
Approaching the local golf course at Whetstone somebody had the brilliant idea of trying to see if there was a table or two free in the club house.

Welcomed with open arms, they were quite busy but took time out to fit us in. And the coffee was good.

Desperate for tea - couldn't wait for the milk jug?

Warm and dry at last.

Must remember this place in future - not too far out of Cosby, great for a rainy day.

Snowdrops next week. Early start 9.30am.

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