Wednesday 15 May 2019

3/05/2019 Thornton Reservoir walk. App 5 mls.

Friday 3rd May 2019  Thornton Reservoir

Our original plan was to walk from Mowsley to Gumley, a walk with some spectacular views.  The weather forecast was not good and as it was unlikely that we would get the hoped for views we changed our plans and decided to walk round Thornton Reservoir.
Parking was at in the car park at the Thornton end and we walked round the reservoir to Reservoir Road then retraced our steps. Approximately 5 miles.
It didn’t actually rain but it was dull and overcast. However, we enjoyed the usual discussions and the gentle stroll.   The reservoir is still quite low but that didn’t seem to upset the swans who were nesting.
Let's hope for proper spring weather next week.

See you all next week.

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