Sunday 16 February 2020

14/2/20 Valentine's Day walk from Blaby to Leicester.

Flooding all over the UK

First Storm Ciara. The fields are already flooded and with Storm Dennis on its way we decided to keep to the Great Central Railway path from Blaby to Leicester as it's tarmac and raised up from normal ground level.

The weather, having quietened down for a few days, allowed us to get out and about in the fresh air and escape from the effects of  'cabin fever' i.e. trapped in, weatherbound. 

So we met at Blaby Industrial Estate and set off. Not a brilliant day weather wise but a least it was dry.

Slight incline moving up from the canal.

That's the way, you can't get lost, it's a straight line from here on in.

Quite a pace set by the front walkers.

This walker lives not from the route so met up with us as we passed by.

You do get quite a few bikes on this track but it is a shared route. We just wish that they sounded their bells sooner rather than later or not at all.

The path leaves the countryside and enters urban areas of Leicester.

Graffiti becomes the norm as budding Banksy's practice on any available space.

Space age playground for the kids.

Locked on the wrong side of the path and still somebody nicked the wheels.

Muddy waters, the swans don't seem to mind - it's feeding time.

Into the centre of Leicester heading for the Cosy Club.

Drinks all round and a sausage bun for one.

Plenty of room for all of us.

It's a nice place to settle down for a good chat and catch up with the Willie and Sheila news.  They've just returned home after an exciting time in India and the Maldives and now they're off to Mexico for more sunshine.

Cheers everybody.

Coffee break over, some of us stayed around town to take in a little of the Leicester Comedy Festival before catching the bus home.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

7/02/20 Snowdrop walk Loddington and Launde Abbbey. Approx 5 mls.

Hi Everyone
Meeting at Cosby Village Hall to leave at 8.45 am.
It's snowdrop time again!

Yep, we all arrived on time and set off to Loddington for our annual snowdrop feast.

The Game and Wildlife Trust Visitor Centre kindly allowed us to use their car park. 

A little bit on the misty side to start with, but the forecast did say it would burn off later in the morning.

Walking down to the church across a couple of very wet and squelchy fields.

Getting into the church garden was a bit tricky.

Everybody has their own method of dealing with mud.

Our path flanked with snowdrops.

The church of St Michael dates mostly from the late 13th to early 14th century.

Our many photographers were able to capture on camera the essence of our visit to Lodddington church for all to enjoy.

Admiring the view.

Excellent pictures from all our photographers - thank you.

Getting down to it.

Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.

With another three miles to walk we'd better make a move towards  Launde Abbey for lunch.

Leaving the fields and onto terra firma.

Making our way down the lanes, not much traffic around at all.

Beautiful views of the surrounding countryside.

At this point we spotted a couple of hares in the distance doing a bit of sparring - unfortunately, they were too quick for us to capture them on camera.

Our first big incline of the day.

Always nice to get to the top.

Sunny but still very cold.

 Arriving at Launde Abbey.

Tree that's always well watered.

We arrived a little early. Some of us put our feet up, others went for a walk around the garden.


The rear view of the Abbey.

The kitchen garden. Just like all our gardens, not very productive at the moment.

A seat to take five and enjoy the view.

Lunch is served.

Massive pot of vegetable soup with warm crusty rolls, enough for some of us to have seconds.

Must be good, they've all gone quiet.

Cake to follow and by the looks of the size of that slice and the serious face, it's a nice problem to have!

Oh yes, we know how to jam and cream our scones.

Lunch is over and boots returned to owners - THE HILL awaits, we're all fired up with cake power - so no problem!

Here we go. 

Here at last.


 And after the hill, a demonstration of how to do the Plank - no one else joined in - wonder why?

Down the hill, around the corner and we are back at the cars.

Great walk with lovely people on a lovely day - perfect.

P.S. A message from Willie and Sheila. 

Found a new friend while on holiday.

Piggy back time.

Taking a close look at the garden.

Back to the chalet just in time for cocktails.

It was a 4am start to see those tigers -  just chillin' now.