Wednesday 5 February 2020

24th January 2020 Walking along the old Fosse Road. App 4.5 mls.

We parked in the lay-by on the B4114 which joins the old roman Fosse Way then walked towards Fosse Meadows.

The weather has been atrocious, raining continually for long periods of time making walking conditions in the fields not good at all, with lots of the paths impassable. Consequently, we have to keep looking for tarmac paths with little or no traffic - it is becoming quite a challenge.

Very cloudy and grey, not very good for photography but these photos at least give an idea of the straight lines that roman roads follow.

Interrupted by the odd tractor and occasional car but it was good to be out in the countryside.

At the end of the walk we drove to Sapcote garden centre where we had our refreshments. Plenty of chat and keeping up with the whereabouts of Willie and Sheila who are on holiday in some jungle somewhere.

Roll on next week and a bit of sunshine please.

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