Tuesday 22 March 2022

4/3/2022 A walk in Bradgate Park approx 3.5 miles.


A wet day, so a walk in beautiful Bradgate Park was just what was needed.

Not a lot of people about but plenty of deer.

It was damp underfoot but we avoided the mud by staying on the track.

Grey clouds kept moving towards us.

Quite a lot of water in the stream running through the park.

A casualty of the heavy winds.

Logging camp. We wondered where all the timber went to.

The visitor centre was serving coffee, tea etc while the cafes were being renovated. 

A view of Cropston Reservoir.

We turned around at Hallgates car park and set off back.

Well wrapped up and keeping the damp out.

A last look at the deer.

A very enjoyable walk, doubt if anyone noticed the weather.

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