Wednesday 22 March 2023

17 March 2023 Walking from Blaby to Countesthorpe app 4.5mls.

No snow today, it came, it caused chaos, it went.
Today we're back walking, starting at Oakfield Car Park Blaby and on our way to the café at Cherry Lane, Glebe Garden Centre. Countesthorpe. Mud here and there.

All smiles as we do a rendition of Happy Birthday for a birthday girl, then a rousing three cheers to add to the embarrassment.

 Off we go down the pathway through woods and open countryside built to link Blaby and Countesthorpe. Traffic free - what a brilliant idea.


A bit muddy on the fields but the paths aren't too bad.

Just waiting for everybody to catch up before we go through a housing section of the walk.

Sitting outside at the garden centre café. A first this year, let's have many more.

Great to see friends who don't walk so regularly, nice to have a catch up.

On our way back to Blaby.


A little bit of pavement alongside the road before we get back to the path over the fields.

Bright sunshine as we walk past the local park. Somebody couldn't resist the slide - no names published

but caught on camera.

Divided opinion on the foxes.

Some took the high road. Some took the low road.

A little bit of spooky stuff in the undergrowth with the stream running through.

We came across a casualty of the the mud.  Slipped and couldn't get back up.

Soon sorted by willing walkers. He will remember not to wash his dog's feet in the brook again.

Another surprise for the birthday girls, cake and more cake, thank you bakers.

Good walk, good company and looking forward to next week.

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