Thursday 26 September 2024

Enderby Leisure Centre to the Duck House . 20/9/24.

10.30 Just about ready to go, it's definitely turning cooler. Not so many shorts about this morning.

  Short cut out of the Leisure Centre on to the public path.                                      

   Taking a moment to view the fields and their occupants .                                     

Looks extremely well fed.

Across the golf course heading for The Pastures.

This is another area that is ear-marked for development.  Shame to lose all this green space the village presently enjoys.

In the distance two of the walkers who took a short cut.

We continued up Whistle Way towards Seine Lane.

Seine Lane and down to the Duck House at the garden centre.

A nice refreshing drink !!!

Wandering around the garden centre before setting off down to Enderby Leisure Centre.

Out of the garden centre and off we go.

Up Seine Lane and back to the Leisure Centre.

These are new, the roof has just been renewed.

A challenge for the bus pass?

Back at the Leisure Centre.

Good walk, don't forget it's Macmillan Coffee Morning next week so bring your big appetites and equally big donations.  Cheers!

Walk around Burbage Woods 13/09/24


Lovely day for a walk. Got ourselves parked at the usual place. After a minor hitch, we started to walk in the right direction with the odd distraction - blackberries. !!!

Well the girls have the map so this must be the right way.

Time for a group photo.

Definitely going the right way, there's that dead tree.

One way to keep warm I suppose.

No trains today.  This is where the proposed 'hub' is to be sited.  While it would create a number of jobs it would devastate a large area of  the Woods and Common at Burbage with a big knock-on effect to the area. The final decision is yet to be made.   

Break time at the Visitor Centre.

Just what we need sunshine and a drink.

Off we go back into the woods, the cars are somewhere on the other side.

A money tree, always useful.

No more pictures, too busy talking. 

See you all next week.

Around Draycote Water 6/9/2024

 After parking the cars at Thurlaston village and on the reservoir track.

Setting off around Draycote Water.

Mists clearing and the sun's coming out.

Time for that group photo.

Happy chap about to embark on a bike ride - 100 miles plus around Leicestershire in one day to help raise funds for LOROS. That is some challenge! 

Last leg this side of the reservoir before coffee and tea and cake of course.

It's for me!

We do get to have a closer look.

How could you resist?

Back to the walk as we continue around Draycote.

Nearly there.

Back into Thurlaston and a chocolate box cottage.

We've all had a great walk.

Very pleased to say that our cyclist completed his challenge in amazing time and raised a tidy sum for LOROS too.  Well done from all of us.