Monday 9 September 2013

06-09-2013 Walk from Cosby to Enderby via Narborough Approx 6.5miles.

The weather forecast was a damp wet day to start with on Friday morning and the rest of the day was to be much of the same. Temperatures were to tumble by at least 10 degrees and, you know, the weather forecasters got it right.

Not many in the Car Park
We set off on a Plan B walk as there were doubts about fields that might have been ploughed (in wet weather walking across a ploughed field is not fun). Eight walkers had turned up to brave the elements and it did not take us long to get started.

We headed out of Cosby towards Littlethorpe and  Narborough, through Narborough and over the main road near the motorway bridge heading up towards Enderby Leisure Centre.  From there we walked into the centre of Enderby to the cafe for coffee, tea and chocolate cake for some.

Train Spotting

On the way back the weather cleared up a little. 

We stopped for a bit of train spotting in Narborough. One of the group mentioned that there are trains every hour during the day to Stansted airport from Narborough - a useful bit of information we thought (you could see people were thinking of sunnier climates). 

Well, that was the highlight of a very damp walk and it just kind of reminded us all that Autumn was on it's way.

Next week the weather will be better - you have to be optimistic about these things!

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