Wednesday 11 February 2015

Friday 6th February 2015 Smeeton Westerby to Gumley app 7miles.

The weather forecast decided the walk.  It was glorious! Time to stretch our legs, get rid of the cobwebs and get out into the countryside. After meeting at Cosby we set off for Smeeton Westerby and parked near the King's Head in Mill Lane.

Boots and water proofs were on as soon as possible and off we went - a bit of sunshine and everyone smiles.  Walking down Debdale Lane and out of the village the country side awaited.

Down towards the farm and the track conditions changed a little. 

It got a bit muddy!

After that little hiccup we were able to get on to the fields and continue with no more problems apart from a little frost in the sheltered areas.

As we got to the top of the hill and headed towards Debdale Wharf we could see that the canal was frozen in parts.

Slippy in the shadows

Green parcel machine disappears around the corner

 Heading down into Gumley we passed by the church and grassy verges with snowdrops popping out everywhere.  

Arriving at the Bell where we were warmly welcomed, tea and coffee were ordered and we settled down for a bit of a chat on the latest hot topic in Cosby - the allotments. There is a rumour that they are to be sold off for housing and it seems that most people are not happy about this development. A village is not a village if it does not have allotments. Watch  this space.

After our break it was back on the road again.

Old friends meet
Good cup of tea that !

 We passed a field of rare breed woolly jumpers.


Then a herd of cattle sheltering under trees. 

The views were quite stunning  and you can spend a while just taking it all in.

Spend too long looking and the group then starts to spread out.  Better get a move on!

 Heading back down towards the farm on Debdale Lane we could see Smeeton Westerby in the distance.

After negotiating the mud again a few puddles came in handy to wash off the mud.

The map shows the route of a the walk.

Fantastic walk see you all next week. Thank you.

Please note that the walk at Loddington on the 20th of February will start at 9.30am at Cosby.  E mails will be sent out with directions and other information. Apparently, we have twenty walkers for that day.

P.S. Willie and Sheila have jetted off to New Zealand.

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