Friday 30 January 2015

30 Jan 2015 Walk around Cosby app 3.5 mls.

The snow came down and all plans were quickly changed. Rather than car journeys or walking along icy pavements it was a agreed unanimously to walk across the fields surrounding Cosby, something we've not done for some time as they have been water logged.

The map shows the route.

The walking sticks were very useful.

After walking out of Cosby towards Littlethorpe we turned left into the fields heading over towards Pepper's farm.


The countryside looks particularly beautiful when covered in snow.

Considering the time of day we were quite surprised to note from the footsteps in the snow that several people had already passed by before us.

It was cold and  unfortunately one of our cameras had apparently frozen up.
Got any hay ?

Continuing our walk out of the farmyard we went across the Cosby to Croft road and into the fields alongside an estate, known locally as the settlements.

We walked to the end of the field on the left and then turned right up towards Broughton Astley.

View towards Broughton Astley.

View of Pepper's farm 

Still chatting away
On our way round we came across another tree that had succumbed to the weather.

One of our walkers went to get a close up picture of the fallen tree,
perhaps to use in a competition, maybe.

After reaching the top of the field we turned left heading out of the fields in the direction of Cosby Golf Club.

Entering Cosby on the Broughton Astley road we headed round to Granny Smith's, our local cafe for a well earned drink.

All things considered it was a very good walk, the weather could have been a bit better but we suppose you have to take the rough with the smooth. It did allow a bit more time in the cafe, well, it was warmer there. 

On our way back to the village hall car park we crossed the bridge over the brook in The Nook, another photo opportunity. Walking on towards the car park it was mentioned that the snow will probably have all gone by next Friday and we'll be back to normal - perhaps?

All nine walkers (the ninth is holding the camera).

See you all next week.

P.S Willie and Sheila have cadged a lift to New Zealand, so they won't be coming on any walks for a while.

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