Friday 8 April 2016

1/4/2016 Walking from Willoughby Waterleys to Peatling Magna.

There were ten of us who met in the car park in Cosby, including the grandson of one of our walkers, the most appropriately dressed in that he had on wellingtons.

We set off to Willoughby Waterleys where we met up with fellow walkers en route and set off down the bridle path. On the bridle path we passed a burned out Peugeot. 

Out into the country.

Much better with wellies on.

Without a doubt the lambing season is upon us.

The chase is on
 and on.


We must have set a pretty good pace as we made it to the pub at 11:50 and sat in the garden until opening time.  The weather was good, no rain but the wind was cool and the sky cloudy which reduced the heat from the sun.

After refreshments a trip around the local artefacts.

Through the local cemetery looking for local people.

It was cross country on the way back, through Peatling Parva churchyard and then through fields of sheep and lambs.  There were a couple of recently harrowed fields, however, these were reasonably dry so didn't cause any problems.  What there were, were stiles, lots of them – in total 21.   Some were situated in fair sized puddles.  

Nearly home.

The wellies were definitely the right choice.

Thanks for all the photos, some are very entertaining. Just use your imagination, sure you'll have some choice comments on this one.

 Hang on!

With care we got through the hazards and made it back to Willoughby Waterleys.  

Despite the stiles we all enjoyed ourselves and look forward to the next walk.


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