Friday 6 May 2016

29th April 2016 Walking in Burroughs Woods near Ratby app 5 miles.

The weather forecast looked good for our bluebell walk in Burroughs Woods. 

All set to go. 

We're soon out of the fields and into the woods.

As we walked along, the blossom in the hedgerows signified that spring is here even though it's a little on the chilly side.

Into the woods and we soon came upon carpet after carpet of bluebells.

The photographs speak for themselves.

All our photographers had their cameras out trying to get that fantastic shot.

Willie and Sheila were quite overcome by all this natural beauty.

A wood anemone, a touch of white in a sea of blue.

Not surprisingly Burroughs Woods are listed as one of  the top ten bluebell sites in England - how lucky are we to live almost next door.

Without any warning it started to hailstone.

Fortunately it stopped after only a couple of minutes.  We were all about ready for a cuppa after that so we set off for the local golf club.

 The path was a little on the muddy side here and there.

The sun came out just as we were about to cross the the golf course.

Don't mow us down

The golfers were out

The path across the course is a public right of way. The golfers always appreciate it when we wait for them to play their shot.

Willie and Sheila got in quick and started checking out the local brews. 

Is that a spider?

The cream scones at the golf club are delicious - we need to keep checking that they're up to standard.  

One of our walkers had brought along a photo album of a Scottish walk that she had completed last year.

Half way break over, we set off back homewards. No apologies for showing a few more bluebell photos.

It'll soon be Christmas?

Great walk - see you all next week.

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