Saturday 14 May 2016

FRIDAY 13th May 2016 Cosby to Croft. app 6 mls.

The forecast was that the sun will be shining behind the cloud (!) but the wind will be cold. 

Walking from Cosby to Croft the map above shows where we walked from and to. The green point is where we remembered to switch on the mileometer and the red point where we finished.

The chill factor from the wind dictated jackets on to keep the  cold out.  

No car journey today, we set off across Victory Park and into the farm land on the other side.

Through the riding stables  ...

... and out of Pepper's farm and into the fields on the other side of the road.

Looks like oil seed rape is in vogue this year - very pretty but not good if you're a hay fever sufferer.

Out of the yellow stuff and into fields which are being used for growing turf.  A lot of this is being used by the new housing projects sprouting up all over the area and more in the pipe line.

A tractor passed by with a consignment of the rich aromatic stuff used to encourage good growth.

At the duck pond a couple of eggs were spotted. They were enormous so we decided they were of goose origin. 

It is a busy time of the year for farmers.

We were headed in the direction of Croft which we could see in the distance.

At the highest point of the walk the breeze was quite chilly so those with woolly hats and weather proof coats were full of smiles.

After crossing the very busy B4144 Narborough to Broughton Astley road we had a big suprise waiting for us.

The local farmer had decided today was the day that he was going to plough last year's maize fields.

 The furrows were on the high side, thus causing a few problems getting to the other side of the field.

We got across the first field only to discover the other field was freshly ploughed as well.

At this point we decided we'd come back a slightly different way. Good idea!

 Wild flowers look great at this time of the year.

We came out of the fields and into Croft village via the underpass of the rail track which gives trains access to the granite Quarry.

Out into the old village.

We came across a plaque dedicated to the people of Croft who looked after children during the blitz of WW2.

Arriving at the Heathcote Arms for a cuppa.

There were nineteen walkers today. 

Leaving the Heathcote Arms we set off back using a detour to avoid the ploughed fields.

Across the railway bridge this time.

After crossing further up the busy road nearer the brow of the hill we got back on track and into the fields again heading towards Cosby.

Retacing our steps through the yellow and green fields.

Entering Cosby by a different route we walked down through the allotments, out into the village and back to the Village hall car park.

 Another good walk, thank you all -  looking forward to next week.  Meet at the same time and place.

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