Friday 13 May 2016

6th May 2016 Swithland Woods to Bradgate Park app 5.5mls

The weather forecast was sunshine all the way.

The route selected was through Swithland Woods into Bradgate Park, alongside Cropston Reservoir then up towards Old John, across from Old John and back into Swithland Woods where we started from.

Map of Walk

At the start of the walk essential information is exchanged.   

 After checking that everything is in order  ...

....we all gather ready for the walk.

And much to the delight of the leader   ...

we set off through the woods hoping to see more bluebells.

Soon we turned out of the woods on to a bridle lane which took us away from Swithland then over a couple of fields towards Bradgate Park.

On the way into Bradgate Park temptation was waiting at the entrance.

However, our thoughts were on a cuppa and cake at the Deer Barn cafe in the park.

Did  these people got their bike out in order to beat the queue at the Deer Barn?

It was a warm day and drinks were more than welcome with the odd cake.

After our break we set off on the walk up to the summit of Bradgate Park. 

Just about there

On the way up we passed the some deer quite content to pose for photographs.

Over the brow of the hill, we stopped for (breath!) the group photo.
As this was being taken another walking group appeared. Pleasantries exchanged, we set off on the walk towards Swithland Woods.

Back into Swithland Woods for the final leg of our walk.

A resting place while others catch up.

A good day was had by all. Not as many bluebells as we'd hoped for but still a lovely walk.  

It was good to see our friends from Cornwall again. Hope they'll able to visit again soon.

Looking forward to next week - see you then.

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