Sunday 12 June 2016

10th June 2016 Wistow Park circular walk via Kilby and canal. app 5 miles.

The weather forecast was not the best with dark clouds and rain in the afternoon. Still, what's a bit of water when you have waterproofs packed.

Fourteen walkers prepared for the off in Wistow garden centre car park ready for a circular walk around the surrounding countryside.



A couple of  photos as we left the centre.

Through the gate and down the bridle path towards Fleckney.

As usual, walking and talking as we progressed along the path.

The hedges at this time of time year are thick and dense which tends to obscure the path markers.

This marker was easy to find but the hedge not so easy to pass through. We turned right here and headed over towards Kilby.

 It started to drizzle here and there but it was still very warm and close.

The brolly could have been for the drizzle or even a sun shade - we're not quite sure.

 After crossing a few more stiles we headed down towards Kilby.

Through a farm and out into the village of Kilby. 

 It's funny, you see a good picture but by the time you have the camera ready the stars of the show have lost interest and turned their backs.

These did not move.

Collection from days gone by.

We turned right in the direction of Wistow. After walking about a 1/4 of mile we crossed the road into the fields and headed for a small bridge across the stream.

This fellow was in the next field, as were his harem. Undeterred, we sent a matador on ahead to attract his attention, but he wasn't bothered, the bull, not the matador. Phew!

A couple of more fields and we were on to the Grand Union Canal tow path.

Peek a boo pictures, he got you and we got him. 

Down on the other canal side we turned right towards Market Harborough.

Along side the canal pathway there was plenty to photograph.

A lock keepers cottage at Newton Top Lock. 

Thirsty cows.

Before crossing the canal at Bridge 78 we waited for a couple of minutes until everyone caught up.

Leaving the canal behind us we headed down to Wistow Church.

Near the church, two swans with their cygnets were looking for a short cut to the lake.

We arrived back at the garden centre ready for a well earned cuppa and the odd cake or two.

Another great walk, good company and looking forward to the next one.

P.S. Willie and Sheila will not be joining us for a while. Yes, they're on holiday again.

Thought this was a bit extreme. They are third from the left parachuting in with a lot of other people going on holiday to France. Ryan Air better start thinking up a new gimmick, this firm chucks you out instead of landing!!!

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