Monday 19 September 2016

16th September 2016 Round trip to Narborough via Littlethorpe and Whetstone app 5 mls.

It looked like it was going to rain and the weather forecast was not very good so we decided on a walk to Narborough - if it poured down, it would be quite easy to turn back.

Setting off across Victory Park towards the road to Littlethorpe.

What with all the new building developments going on around Cosby and the surrounding area the turf companies seem to have quadrupled the size of the fields they are cultivating.

On entering Littlethorpe we admired the way residents kept their frontages clean and tidy. 

There was a time when you could walk two abreast along this stretch of pavement but now only one can walk in safety. We thought a letter to the parish council to try and get the hedges cut back would be a good idea.

A pair of buzzards were spotted and everybody stopped to watch them soaring above.

Up on to the old railway line heading off through to Whetstone.

Out through part of the housing estate which had been built on the line.

A couple of interesting signs were spotted along the way.

This great gardener was pretty good with slabs and rocks at the front of his house.

Back on to the railway line.

Down to the main road from Blaby to Enderby.

Well, the rain started to come down with avengence - no point turning back now as we were at the furthest point out on our walk. So, we continued on into Narborough and a little cafe for tea/coffee and cake. Oh, and a natter.

After our break there was a little bit of window shopping.

After pausing at the railway station we set off back to Cosby walking through Littlethorpe from a different direction.

Back into Cosby where we had to slow down because we were requested to.

On through Victory Park.

The rain had finally stopped so it was smiles all round.

Looking forward to next week to our away-day in Derbyshire.

Don't forget -  9.00am start time, packed lunch and please pre- order your evening meal.


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