Monday 27 February 2017

17th February 2017 Snowdrop walk Launde Abbey app 5.5miles.

Snowdrop time and our walk at Loddington and Launde Abbey was on. The weather was okay, the snowdrops promised to be just at their peak, and lunch at Launde Abbey beckoned.

Parking up at Loddington before walking through the village towards the church.

Beautiful houses and beautiful gardens.

Now I wonder where I put those glasses ?

After a stroll around the village we set off across the fields to the church.


Mr Mole had been visiting too.

Through the church yard gates and we were greeted by a drift of  snowdrops.

The church is well worth a visit - it's normally closed but the key is available on request.

All the walkers agreed that the display never disappoints.

Out through the doorway.

Who's that in the distance making a low approach?

Time to catch up.

It's that photographer again - as you can see, the results are amazing.

We had time for a group photo.

One last look and off we go. We'll be back next year for sure.

Back over the fields to Loddington village.

We set off on our walk to Launde Abbey leaving Loddington behind us.

The lanes are a bit up and down here and there.

An old railway embankment and nature has taken over.

The sky was grey but no rain was forecast and it was quite mild. 

We continued towards Launde Abbey. Some of the lanes showed signs of weather damage and cracking up.

Only another mile before lunch.

Everybody still smiling - maybe it's the thought of home made soup and perhaps a cream cake ahead.

Smoke was spotted.

It looked like a large manure heap that was generating too much heat.

Arriving at Launde we discovered they had certainly received their fair share of rain.

Launde Abbey and waiting to go in for lunch.

The home made vegetable soup and assorted bread rolls were excellent.

The cream scones, well - feast your eyes.

After lunch we had a walk around the abbey gardens and again were treated to snowdrops along with other spring flowers, such as aconites and crocus.

Then out of the abbey grounds and up the very steep hill on the way back to Loddington.  We like a challenge!

Our timing for the end of the walk was just about perfect as the clouds began to gather to signify the onset of rain.

Brilliant walk - must do it again!

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