Wednesday 8 February 2017

3rd Feb 2017 Mowsley to Gumley app 6.4 miles.

Well our forecast was without a doubt better than the one below.

After meeting at Cosby we set off for Mowsley parking up outside the village hall. Well most of us did.

Puddle in Cosby car park

When we finally all got together we set off for Laughton in very good spirits and ready for a good walk.

Once out of  Mowsely we encountered quite a few motorists due to a road closure for the day by the highways department.

On the way up to Laughton.

As we approached Laughton you do get a feeling of  'there's nothing quite like the British countryside'.

One of the reasons for doing this walk at this time of the year is to get an indication of how the snowdrops are progressing. This is so we can plan our annual walk at Launde Abbey which includes the snowdrop display at Loddington Church. (Another two weeks we reckoned.)

Getting down to the subject.

Getting back up isn't a problem? 

Beautiful - we hope to see even more at the churchyard in Loddington.

In villages things change slowly.

The first lambs of the year made us smile.

Man at work - it's always a busy time for the farmer.

You can see why this is one of our favourite walks.

Approaching Gumley and our pub stop.

So what was so interesting?


Not sure about these - they look a bit grumpy.

The pub was busy so we chose to sit in the garden - it was sheltered and we were dressed for the weather so no problem.


The coffee came with mint chocolates so all was well with the world!

Our break over, we set off for the return leg back through the village of Gumley.

An escapee - trouble was she couldn't find her way back to her lambs so one of us went to alert the farmer.

Job done and on our way.

By this time the clouds were brewing up a storm.

But not so bad in the direction we were going.

The weather held - we were lucky once again.  A lovely walk, thanks everyone.

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