Monday 17 April 2017

15th April 2017 Good Friday Walk from Blaby to Kings Lock cafe.

Parking at the Blaby Industrial Estate is ideal for getting straight onto the walk towards Aylestone.

Little bit on the colder side than last week so no knees showing.

On gate duty helping a boat to navigate the lock.

Everybody shows an interest as the boat moves through the lock.

A horse enjoying the attention of some of our younger walkers.

Just as well we're all wrapped up as it was definitely a bit on the nippy side.

We met up with one of our regular walkers who had joined us from a different direction.

Continuing on along the Great Central Railway that was and is no more, now a walking and cycling path free of traffic.

Looks like somebody had been fishing and there was a tale to tell?

Plenty of local information on the signs around the walk.

Just as we were approaching the turn down to cross the canal we met another walking group coming towards us. They were from the Braunstone area and about forty strong.

We passed pleasantries and continued on our way.

We could see our halfway stop, the Kings Lock Cafe, across the other side of the canal.

Down the steps to the canal.

Views of the meadows which border the canal.

After crossing the bridge it was only a short walk to the tea-rooms.

 No mistaking the way to go, so we all piled in for coffee, tea and soft drinks. There were cakes galore and bacon butties - what a choice!

Very tempting, but it was just too cold for ice cream.

Setting off back to Blaby. 

Food for the fish, quite a gourmet selection. 

 Nothing caught yet but there's all afternoon to go.

 Boaters pass us on the way.

Reflections on the canal make the walk a lot more interesting.

If you stop to study you end up at the back very quickly.

 More canal reflections - gorgeous!

  Somebody taking us taking them.

Most of us don't think that the graffiti on the walls of bridges or any other flat surface improves the overall experience of the walk.

Much better just letting mother nature do her stuff.

Great walk according to our younger participants.

Nearly back to the cars, just a check on numbers. 

The sun was out by the time we'd finished our walk 😊

We heard that one of our walkers who lived close to the canal had to cross a field, in which  a bull was discovered. After hurriedly taking a picture, legged it to the nearest gate, only to find it locked, then had to negotiate a fence covered in nettles. 
Not for the faint hearted - a hasty retreat maybe would have been a better bet?
But an exciting end to the day!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see a photo of the new Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society (AMAS) adoption sign on your blog.

    For further information about AMAS see
