Wednesday 12 April 2017

31.3.2017 Walking from Smeeton Westerby to Foxton Locks. app 6 miles

The weather forecast, no rain, not exactly warm until the afternoon.

The route from Smeeton to Foxton Locks.

Parking was provided courtesy of the local Archery Club.

Off we went in a very jovial mood only to be met in the first field with a watery problem.

Problem solved with a huge step over the fence.

 After all that he got snagged in the nearby tree.  

Still a few minor problems before we reached the village of Smeeton Westerby.


Muddy paths but hey ho.

Into the village.



Village signs. Wonder who lives here?

We turned right down Debdale Lane just past the village hall.


Just look at the cloud that's following us !!!

Traditional farmhouse scenes.

Not so traditional.

More mud.

Down by the canal.

Oil seed rape - a sure sign Spring is sprung.


Blossom seems to be in every hedge row.

Heading down to Foxton Locks.

View from the bridge at Foxton.                         

Off for a cuppa.


After a refreshing drink we assembled outside the restaurant ready for the return journey.

Inquisitive walker wondering where all the noise is coming from.

Leaving Foxton Locks behind us we set off back.

Got it !!

Not in use now.

 Gnome biker hitching a ride on a narrow boat.

Passengers aboard.

Canal scenery is fantastic.

We've been here before.


Leaving the canal the sun is out and coats are off.

Some machinery in need of TLC.

A whole bank of primroses made a fabulous entrance to the village.

Back into Smeeton.

This way folks.

A chance encounter with two woolly jumpers.

The pictures say it all.

Yet again an absolutely great walk - hope the weather is okay for next week - walking from Blaby to Kings Lock on the Grand Union Canal.

PS. This couple (Willie and Sheila) woke from hibernation just in time to be whisked off on holiday.

We were very pleased to hear they arrived safely in New Zealand after being all cosied up in a sock in the hold of a rather large plane.

More news to follow.

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