Thursday 14 September 2017

8th Sept 2017 Walking from Bouskill Park to Tesco. App 4.5 mls.

Yes, you've got it - it's raining again. Only an hour before these pictures were taken it was absolutely torrential.

It was put to the vote and the unanimous decision was to carry on with the planned walk rather than just drop in on the village cafe for a cuppa where some of our walkers were already there waiting for us. 

After leaving Bouskill Park we carried on to the Long Walk out of Blaby towards Wigston.    

Entering Wigston the sun came out and coats came off.  Also it was now possible to take some photos of the walk.

Settling down in Tesco for a cuppa.

Oh, a scone and cake.

On our way back the sky did look rather menacing again.

So what - we were all enjoying the day.

Decided to walk back along the canal.

Always something of interest. It could be a reflection in the water or simply a boat passing by.

There are houses backing on to the canal side - great for checking out the back gardens.  The enormous ice cream had us all guessing.

Leaving the canal we made our way back over the ford bridge to get back into Blaby.

After all the rain we'd experienced in the last week the water levels were surprisingly not very high.

A looker on with coat ready.

Back into Blaby with those sky features threatening but holding back on drenching us.

Some, of course, are quite oblivious as to what is going on around them when wrapped in animated conversation.

Turning into the unofficial path to Bouskill Park with a field of maize on the left.

Back into the park via the Long Walk.

We're sure we will have a dry day next week. Fingers crossed.

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