Thursday 8 December 2022

25/11/2022 walking from Mowsley to Gumley and return approx 5.5mlies.

 It was a bit chilly but the sun was out and that makes all the difference.

It was a quite busy in Mowsley as we got ourselves sorted out for the walk.

The church yard was very quite in comparison.


Out of the village and our first traffic jam of the day.

Heading off down the hill towards the village of Laughton.

More traffic to cope with.

Not far to Laughton. Up that slope in the distance and just round the corner.

Top of the slope.

At Laughton there are some features that don't change as time goes by. The telephone box, if you still remember or even know how to use one and the post box circa Queen Victoria's reign.

Moving on,  the views of Leicestershire are quite stunning.

In the distance the trees where cattle and sheep shade them selves from the sun.

The outskirts of Gumley.

Down the gentle hill into Gumley. Three farms still operate from the village, which boasts one street and one pub, the Bell. Inhabitants at the last count 110 people.

Quirky plant pot.

A Green telephone box with a small library and window box for added interest.

Always a warm welcome at the Bell.

The food looks very appetising.

But only a cuppa and a chat for us before we started on our way back. 

Leaving Gumley we headed for the gated road leading to Laughton and Mowsley.

In the cricket season travellers through the village may best remember their visit by being held up until the 'end of the over', as the Gumley to Laughton road cuts through the cricket pitch.

Only sheep today, no cows.

Well it was on the telly.

A good walk, looking forward to next week It's Party Time !!

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