Tuesday 31 December 2013

27th December Walk around Thornton Reservoir app 3mls.

The weather was not promising to be kind which probably had something to do with the low turnout, although many of the regulars had other commitments i.e. holidays, Christmas visits and visitors and just generally having a good time with families over the festive season. 

Anyway, six of us turned up for the short walk around Thornton Reservoir.

  It was good to get out in the fresh air and work off some of the excesses of recent days.

A walk round the reservoir is always a pleasure with lots of wildlife to attract our attention.  

 After the walk we made our way to the local Golf club for coffee, tea and biscuits. The conversation went on longer than usual as we recalled hilarious holiday adventures.

Luckily the weather held until we got back to our cars and then 'the heavens opened'! It was a lovely walk enjoyed by all and we're definitely looking forward to the first walk of the new year.

Happy and healthy 2014 everyone!

P.S. Anybody seen Willie and Sheila ??

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