Friday 27 December 2013

Friday 20th December 2013 Mince pies in Bradgate Park approx 4.5 miles.

16 walkers met at Cosby Village Hall car park at the usual time,
It was a beautiful day, crisp and clear.

We organised ourselves into several cars and set off for Bradgate Park. Our 
destination was a land mark known as Old John which is close to the War Memorial.

It's a good hike up to Old John and we found it muddy in places. We kept to footpaths to start with then followed a deer run which shortened the distance a little. 

The walk to the First World War Memorial gave us some good photo opportunities.  We then moved on a short distance to Old John, a folly which looks distinctly like a tankard.  

You can see the whole of Leicestershire from up here, fabulous views on a clear bright day - blue skies and sunshine - perfect.


After reaching the summit we set off to find a sheltered place where we stopped to enjoy mince pies, shortbread and cookies. Behind us, some curious deer popped up their heads briefly. 
Apparently, there are so many deer at Bradgate they're having to be culled and the venison is sold locally.



We decided to stop for coffee in the cafe in the centre of the park which is on the way back to the car park. Some of the photographers amongst us took the opportunity to try for that elusive shot!

Well, as you can see from the pictures we all had a great day and hopefully the weather will hold up for next week.

P.S. Willie and Shelia have been to see Santa.

Santa special

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