Wednesday 6 August 2014

First of August Circular Walk from Leire via CLaybrooke and Ullesthorpe to Leire Approx 5 Miles.

Fourteen walkers gathered for their Friday morning walk. It was a nice warm morning, no sign of rain so as soon as everybody was ready we set off. One of the topics of discussion was the rapid growth in the hedgerows and how it seemed to be early that some farmers were already harvesting wheat etc. - obviously down to the fantastic weather that we have been experiencing.

We soon ran into a situation where the brambles had over grown a stile in a hedge row.

Advance party pulling brambles back out of the way.


Everybody else followed with not too many problems.

Queuing for the next stile.

 We don't usually come across a field of peas on our travels. Another week, and this lot will be off to Birds Eye. 

Here we are just outside of Claybrooke waiting for the others to catch up.  Our next stop was Ullesthorpe and a cuppa.

Confusing sign

Getting ready for the return leg.
It was good easy walking going out of  Ullesthorpe  and on to the golf course but then it all went pear shaped. As we approached the disused railway section we realised that the nettles had well and truly taken over. We ploughed on and it was not very comfortable for those without long trousers.

Ah well, another lesson learnt for this part of the year -  it's lovely to walk in shorts, but you can guarantee there'll be a stinger after you somewhere !!!!!)

After this it was quite easy going  back to the car park.

Easy going

Nearly there now
Turn left to the car park.

Great walk -  see you all next week.

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