Monday 14 October 2019

4.10.19 Broughton Astley from the lay-by on the B4114.

Bit of a grey day as we met at the designated place ie the lay-by on the B4114.

As usual, everybody was in good spirits, plenty of chat and today we were all looking forward to celebrating the big birthday of one of our walkers.

We set off crossing our one and only field. The rain had been quite horrendous during the week and the forecast was not very good either.

We made our way up to the farm, lots of cows in the field but all very friendly.

Even so, certain members preferred to walk inside the group as we passed the herd.

Maize on the left waiting to be harvested. It will be stored for winter feed in huge tunnels as can be seen on the left of the photo.

Man made lake or the result of heavy rains???

Making our way through the farm area some of which have been converted into some beautiful habitats.

Plenty of interesting fungi around the hedgerows and fields at this time of the year.

In order to lengthen the walk we did a tour of some of the older parts of the village.

Groupie photo shot on the pedestrian bridge near the church.

Now a short cut to our destination. 

And it's celebration time - happy birthday!

A card signed by all.

Somebody with a sense of humour no doubt.

Cakes, lots of them, the walkers favourites and the birthday boy loves cake, we all know that.

Lighting up time.

Success - got a lot off puff has that lad. After a rendition of Happy Birthday we all did our best to make sure there were no left overs.  

Reluctantly we made a move to continue the walk back to the cars leaving the birthday boy with the clearing up.  Thank you from all the walkers - hope you enjoyed your special day as much as we did.

See you all next week.

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