Sunday 29 September 2019

27.09.19 Broughton Astley Walk App 4mls.

We met at the White Horse in Broughton Astley on a very grey day. The weather forecast was not very good at all, cloudy, very breezy and 95% chance of rain at 11.00am. Hence, everybody either had wet weather gear on or had it in a bag ready.

As today was Macmillan Day we were all invited to a Macmillan Coffee morning organised by one of our walkers at her house. 

The World's Biggest Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September is Macmillan's biggest fundraising event for people facing cancer. We ask people all over the UK to host their own Coffee Mornings and donations on the day are made to Macmillan.

So as we continued out of Broughton Astley along Cottage Lane chatting away as usual, the weather didn't seem to make any difference to us. The torrential rain promised didn't materialise and the clouds rolled by.

A farmers idea of a garden?

Unusually quiet here as we walked past, guess the occupants do not like the grey damp weather either.

Hedgerows at this time of the year are full of colour, food and life.

The old railway line, home to who knows who nowadays.

Getting towards the end of the lane.

The turn around point two and half miles out of Broughton. We're now on the home run and all looking forward to coffee, tea and of course cake. 

More signs of autumn.

Squirrel food.

Unusual sign.

One of the gitties in Broughton Astley.

Here we are the end of our walk and coffee, tea and loads of cakes to choose from - walkers' paradise break.

Our hostess did us proud and we soon joined in with the other guests to sample cakes galore.

Tricky job choosing.

Some cakes were donated.

Scones still warm from the oven - yum!

The merits of each cake were discussed at great length and well you just had to go and check them out for yourself.

Thank you to our hosts for inviting us and thank you to our walkers for their support.
Thank you very much on behalf of everyone - as well as fundraising for a great cause, you made us all very happy. 😋

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