Sunday 15 September 2019

6/09/19 Walking in Swithland Woods and Bradgate Park.

Report from today's leader -
Cosby Walkers – Friday 6th September 2019.
Swithland Wood and Bradgate Park.

The absence of our usual walk leader resulted in the “assistant” taking charge of the course.  Though he had never failed to get the walkers home he does have a reputation of shaky navigation.

After parking at the Wood’s North Car Park, 26 of us set off through the woods towards Bradgate Park. There were a couple of minor adjustments as we came across junctions in the path but we made it to the park entrance.

Once into the park we split into two groups. One, being very aware of the upcoming walk in Derbyshire took in Old John, while the other kept to lower ground. 

We all met at the café for refreshments.  The carrot cake getting special mention.

Leaving the café we headed towards the Hall Gates car park. Along the Main Road and then over a very tall stile, through the field and into the wood for the return to the car park.

We were about 10 minutes away from our cars when the skies opened and we took shelter under the trees while the worst of the rain passed.

Back to the car park where we arrived with about 5 minutes to spare on the three hour parking tickets we had purchased. 

This is a beautiful walk, beginning and finishing on the paths through the trees and Bradgate Park in the middle section.  Lots of activity by the deer at this time of year and we saw some impressive antlers as we walked through the park.

Photos from one of the walkers (from his new camera).

The Assistant.

Everybody enjoyed the walk apart from the rain at the end. See you all next week.

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