Sunday 21 August 2022

Walking from Oakfield Park, Blaby to Kings Lock on the Grand Union Canal 19/8/22 approx 7 miles.


Meeting at Oakfield Park on a beautiful day for walking.

We were soon on our way, down past Blaby cemetery on towards the ford.

Over the ford towards the B582 and across the road to join up with the canal at Knights Bridge.

The B582

A few photos as we made our way along the canal to our watering hole at Kings Lock.

At Kings Lock cafe the owners had reserved some seats for us. 

Bananas to keep the energy levels up.

Cake was on the menu.

All good things must end so we started back on our journey to Oakfield Park.

Some grabbing an ice cream just for fun.

We stopped for a group picture at the cross roads, Blue Bank Bridge, and turned to join the Great Central Way, taking a nice straight walk down into Blaby.

Walking through Northfield Park.

Last few yards back into Oakfield Park.

Quite a long walk but very enjoyable.

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