Saturday 14 October 2023

Walk 15.9.2023 Macmillan's Walk Cosby to Broughton Astley.

Walking out of Cosby via the Settlements we walked past a reminder that Autumn is well and truly with us. Apples in free fall waiting for collection. 
We are off to support an annual event we all enjoy, the consuming of a variety of cakes and helping with a great national cause, Macmillan's fight against cancer.  

Out into the country and yes we have these views, just step into the countryside to enjoy.

Smiling faces, it is either the weather or the thought of coffee and cake, probably both.

Looking towards Broughton Astley.

Through one gate.

Then out the other side.

We think everyone has caught up. 

A lost cat or on the trail of a mouse?

We have had to make a slight adjustment to our normal path today. The farmer has a herd of cows and calves in the next field. Not wanting to stress the mums with their calves (or ourselves) we did the honourable thing and diverted by another route.

At the bottom of the field we were able to admire the herd from a safe distance, the other side of the fence.

Hay making machinery.

More cattle  having a drink. We think that these beasts may be destined for Sunday dinner plates.

Into Broughton Astley and not far from our destination.

And here we are.

Mine Host and Hostess.

Not sure what is under there.

Making ourselves at home.

Getting comfy.

We're being summoned for coffee and tea etc.

My goodness me, what a cracking display of cakes.

AND scones, cream and jam.

Where do we start, there's a lot to get through.

Going, going, plenty for seconds and even thirds.

Somebody with a problem. " Just where to start?"

Problem solved.

Still more to go.

We're doing our best.

Sitting in the garden enjoying our selections.

What's not to smile about.

Wondering if any of the walkers will manage the stiles on the way back to Cosby.

A group photo, and no cakes in sight.

After a wonderful afternoon we had to make our way back to Cosby. It'll be teatime soon. 

Through the field with the horses, always nosey but we had scoffed all the evidence of treats apart from some samples for later.

Super charged with all that sugar - stiles? no problem!

Just waiting for everyone to catch up.

Looks like somebody has made a huge find.

Round the next corner and back into Cosby.

Great walk. Thank you to our wonderful organisers, our hosts.  Also cooks united in producing the finest cakes enjoyed by all. Well done everyone. 

What a wonderful way to raise funds for Macmillan. 

How could we possibly follow that next week?

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