Saturday 17 February 2024

16/2/2024. Around Cosby Jitties and Estates Plus birthday cake and drinks.

A bright February morning just right for the planned walk around our village which gives its name to the Cosby Friday Walkers

Right are we all ready, let's go and see what has changed in the village since last time we did this walk. 

First we turned left to cover the Brooklands Road area then on to the village centre. Hard to believe this whole area was flooded only 6 weeks ago.

Crocus and snowdrops along the sides of the brook.

Making our way to the safest way to cross the road and the brook.

Zebra crossing for the road and bridge for the brook.

Up past the fish and chip shop on our way back to the village hall. 

And back at the village hall carpark.

Oh, and there is cake for all, it's a very important birthday today.

Lots to choose from.

Just hang on a minute while the all important candles are lit. 

The sign says Let's Celebrate - very happy to oblige. Cue for a rousing happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.

Then of course three cheers and hip hip hooray.

Speech please.  We couldn't agree more when he said how much he valued the friendship of our group and thanked everyone for the continued friendship over the years.

We hung on every word.

Photos for the memory books.

Making a wish as the candles are blown out then time to tuck in.

The serious business of tucking in!

A big thank you for the brilliant cake maker and behind the scenes team who collectively put on a cracking birthday celebration.

Thank you to all.

Can't promise a birthday celebration next week but hope to see you then.  

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