Sunday 30 March 2014

21st March 2014 Willoughby Waterleys to Peatling Parva 4.6 miles.

It turned out to be a nice morning although the weather men said we might get a shower or two in the afternoon.

There were twenty walkers and we decided to walk from Willoughby Waterleys to Peatling Parva and have a cuppa at the Shires.

Walking out of Willoughby we noticed a   defibrillator in an old telephone box.  

Heading off into the fields we spotted a fox but didn't get a photo - we just weren't quick enough!


 It was soon obvious that this was going to be a day for trying out various heights and shapes of styles - 24 in all - a bit of a style fest!  It certainly caused a few holdups. As one walker remarked - it's a long time since I've got my leg over so often!

In one field we came across some jumps for horses. Willie and Sheila had a go only to land right in the middle whilst everybody was watching. Just another ten inches and they would have succeeded; it was a little prickly so they both had to be rescued.


In the  next field we came across some new born lambs which always gets the girls coooing.

 Then on to Peatling, through the church grounds and down to the Shires for a cuppa.


Heading off for the return leg we chose a  different route, not fields but bridle paths and in part they were pretty much impassable because of the recent rains. 


Anyway, it was a lovely walk and Spring is here judging by the blossom and the lambs. 

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