Monday 31 March 2014

28th March Groby Pool to Bradgate Park approx 5miles.

A walk was planned from Groby Pool car park, walking into Bradgate Park.

It was quite cool, however, the weather forecast suggested that there would be no rain until 2.00pm.

Eight walkers set off from Cosby to Groby Pool where we were to meet the ninth walker in the car park there.

It was again mentioned about the number of styles on the last walk and how getting your leg over so often was quite tiring. We think that we should try to avoid so many styles in future. Cannot promise this but will try.

Back to the walk in hand, sections of the walk were pretty wet, however all walkers were suitably shod.


The deer in the park are quite fearless and always fascinate everybody who visits the park.

There were many swans, geese and ducks to be seen

On the way out of the park we stopped at the tea rooms for refreshment including very tasty cakes and bacon baps. Excellent service, excellent tea room.

It was a really enjoyable walk and we're all looking forward to next week.

Meanwhile, Willie and Shelia have been for a short break in the North West and brought back a few photos.

They went to see The Lady Lever Art collection in Port Sunlight which was fantastic ...

and crossed over the Mersey on the ferry ...

... and saw a most unusual painting on a building in Ormskirk ...

... and then to Gormley's 'Another Place'.

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