Monday 19 October 2015

16-10-2015 Circular walk from Enderby via Narborough approx 5.3 miles.

A grey day was forecast and a grey day it was. After meeting at Cosby village hall car park we took our cars up to the Enderby Leisure centre and started our walk from there.

Before setting off we noticed the community garden project adjacent to the car park. We have one or two allotment holders and keen gardeners amongst us so much interest was shown in the project. We noticed how well kept the gardens were. 

For info:  A Place To Grow is a free to use sustainable Community Garden with the purpose to support positive Health and Wellbeing. This will be done by encouraging people to learn new things by producing and eating healthy food, being physically active, getting involved in the community and meeting new people in a friendly, informal and safe environment.
The site is aimed at anyone with a health related problem who wants to improve their Health & Wellbeing. 

Leaving the leisure centre car park everyone started to wrap up a bit warmer. It was cold , 'must get those winter woollies out ' someone remarked.

Turning right out of the leisure centre we walked down the footpath towards Narborough, crossing the M1 by the footbridge then down to the dual carriage way just up from the Foxhunter pub.  We walked through the village, passing the Narborough Arms and out towards Croft.

We crossed the busy B4144 road at the industrial estate and headed towards the disused railway track.

Up on to the pathway we continued along an autumn strewn corridor of leaves and colour.

After about a mile of this scenic walk we climbed down a stairway to a farm track where we turned right and headed up to our coffee and tea stop, the Copt Oak.

A few of us had to wait a while to be served, well there were seventeen of us and we hadn't pre-warned the pub we were coming but it didn't really matter, we weren't in a hurry (the chocolates with the coffee helped!).

After our break we left the Copt Oak, all having our portraits snapped as we left, wonder why?

Retracing our steps back to the disused railway line we continued towards the older end of Enderby. Nice to get a wave from the rear end!

At the end of the railway track we climbed up onto the road and turned right back into Enderby.

Someone has a wood burner and someone is trying to make a bob or two from all those apples they can't use. 

We wandered back through the village passing the pubs that used to keep the thirsty quarry men happy in the evenings.

The New Inn is at the top of the hill.

Around the corner is the Conservative Club and further down the hill is the Dog and Gun.

Even further down on the left is Barclays Bank with the thatched roof.

The Nags Head is in need of a little TLC.

Almost at the end of the walk we came across a bus stop that seemed to have shrunk.

Don't forget, next week Cosby Village Hall, 10.30 in the car park. See you all then.

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