Sunday 24 July 2016

15th July 2016 Groby Pool to Newtown Linford App 4.5mls.

After meeting up at Cosby Village Hall as usual, we set off for Groby Pool car park.

Nice to see that the car parks are patrolled.

The weather was very mixed. Clouds then a bit of sunshine. 

None of us got in to Pool House - they obviously don't want to share their view of the pool.

We're sure the view we had was just as good.

To get the best shot of all you have to get your camera in the best position.

Leaving the pool behind, we set off up the road-side path before moving into the countryside.

This tree looked as if it's on the move.

It was a little overgrown to start with.

There were compensations, wild raspberries were found and a little foraging began.

Single file was the order of the day on this part of the walk.

We came to the main road, so before we crossed, we checked that nobody had got lost on the overgrown stretch.

Moving across the road we had to make our way through some prickly holly before heading out into the fields.

Just a short walk after the gate we arrived in Newtown Linford.

Turning right we headed to the Jade Tearooms.

The cake, all home made, is highly recommended. This scone didn't last long after the photo.

Opposite the tea rooms is the beautiful All Saints Church which is well worth a look around.

A couple of friendly horses came to check to see if we had brought any sugar lumps  from the tea rooms.

Looks like they were out of luck. Maybe next time.

After clearing a few more stiles we entered Sheet Hedges Wood.

One or two stops were made to check we were all there.

Out of the woods and back into the fields for the final section then through some corn fields where they'd already gathered the hay.

Hay waiting for transport to be stored for winter.

Then into fields of oil seed rape.

Through some very high nettles .

Someone spotted a door mouse or vole and a couple of tiny frogs. 

Very obligingly posing for us.

Out of the fields and past the fishing lakes it was a short walk back to the car park.

It was a really lovely walk, thank you everyone.

Willie and Sheila were last seen on a boat coming from France. We think they found another holiday. 

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