Sunday 31 July 2016

29th July 2016 walk from Huncote to Thurlaston through Normanton Park back to Huncote. App 5.5 mls.

Friday morning and the weather was not looking too good. Weather forecasts indicated possible heavy showers later but they were not specific when exactly. It was decided to go to Huncote Leisure centre and walk to Thurlaston Garden Centre first and then make another decision on which way to walk from there.

Off we set with a definite mixed bag of clothing. Waterproof coats at the ready wrapped around our waists or in the top of walking bags, first out so to speak. Long pants, short pants, nobody was sure what would transpire.

Logs en route or low hanging branches - it all adds to the fun.

When the sun shone it was good walking weather but looking at the sky you could be forgiven for thinking that cats and dogs were about to fall.

After crossing the bridge over the M69 motorway we turned right and headed off across two recently cut corn fields.

Dramatic cloud formation over head.

Then we came across a couple of fields planted with maize which is used mainly for cattle fodder. When walking around you don't often see the sweet variety which is quite a tasty addition to the dinner plate in the summer. Nice roasted too. 

There is always a good laugh in the maize fields as some of our not so tall walkers can sometimes disappear from sight occasionally.  

Best to keep your hands up if you're loosing touch with the front group.

Out of the maize, over a style and straight across the Croft to Thurlaston road - with care of course.

One hundred yards down the road is the garden centre which is undergoing a transformation. We were informed that it was changing to a Rural Arts and Crafts centre with a Farm Shop and Restaurant.  They've made a good start.

Coffee and teas all round. Cakes were on offer too.

The weather seemed to be holding up so we continued our walk rather than return to Huncote the way we came.

On the way out of the village we passed the Elephant and Castle pub, turning left up Earl Shilton Road keeping the church on our right.

Heading out of the village past a nice looking Bistro towards Lodge Farm.

Turning left over the fields through the farm and the sports ground towards Normanton Park.

At the top of Normanton Park  we waited for everybody to join up as some couldn't resist taking photos of the alpacas. 

The park is very popular with fishermen, having several lakes stocked with a variety of fish.

Coats had not been needed and clouds now seemed high enough to indicate that we would not be bothered with any rain.

On our way round we came across the familiar sight of rubbish tipped into farmers gate ways. Very unsightly and a drain on farmers resources as we believe it is their responsibility to remove it if it's on their land.

We turned right towards Croft over the motorway again. 

Seen better days.

Then left into the fields heading in the direction of Huncote.

A little bit of overgrown pathway then out into fields.

We were hoping that these fields would be an excellent place to photograph butterflies but very few were seen.

Back into Huncote where we had a bit of a natter before we headed off back to the leisure centre.

Turned out to be a really nice walk.

Still no sign of Willie and Sheila. Maybe they will be along for next weeks walk to Rutland Water.

Just a reminder - 9.30 start from Cosby Village Hall car park (with packed lunch).

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