Wednesday 31 July 2019

26th July 2019. Walking from Croft to Stoney Stanton. App 5.5 mls.

Pictured below is our destination Stoney Cove, Sapcote where one of our walker's had been swimming the day before.

Making our way out of Croft nature reserve we had to make a slight detour because the wrong path was chosen, easily done when it is so overgrown with nettles etc.

Of course the guys and girls with shorts began to tingle and those with long 'uns just crowed a little.

Out of the overgrown green stuff to corn fields which were being cut as we walked.

Taking one of you, SNAP.

Taking one of me, SNAP.

In the distance Croft Hill.

No path left by the farmer meant a prickly walk across this field of barley.

Back markers get a better run after the first bunch have cleared a path.

On to the next field and more problems, no path across this corn patch and it had grown quite high.

Of course the inevitable corny joke.

Q: What did the corn say when he got complimented? A: Aww, shucks! 

Don't loose the person in front of you.

Q: Why didn't anyone laugh at the gardener's jokes? A: Because they were too corny! 

Q: What do corn cobs call their father? A: "Pop" corn. 

Q: What has ears but cannot hear? A: A field of corn. 

  • Q. Why do farmers make terrible comedians?
    A. Their jokes are corny!

Don't tell a secret in a cornfield. There a too many ears. 

Q: What do you tell a vegetable after it graduates from College? A: Corn-gratulations. 

Q. You throw away the outside, cook the inside, then eat the outside, and throw away the inside, what am I? A. Corn on the cob. 


No more jokes please !!

All out safe and sound and it was a bit of a laugh.

Oops, we have some walking companions.

What big eyes you have.


Bye bye cows.

We think Garfield may have been born here.


Our destination Stoney Cove.

Back into the corn fields on our return leg.

This is a little different, a field of sheep.

Q. What do you call a sheep covered in chocolate?

A. A chocolate baa!

Q. How do you greet a sheep at Christmas?

A. Merry Christmas to ewe!
No more jokes please.

Waiting to take a snap.

Still waiting.

Got you all.

One more field, back into Croft village.

Very enjoyable walk, looking forward to Derbyshire next week.

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