Wednesday 26 July 2023

21st July 2023 Broughton Astley walk.App 6mls.

Sorry cannot make it this week. Broke my foot climbing the something silly. 

It's summer time and school holidays have started. We make ourselves useful looking after homes, gardens, greenhouses, dogs and even grandchildren.  

Examples shown above are a very well behaved cock a poodle and below some very well behaved grandchildren.

Off we go out of the village holding up the traffic for as long as it takes to cross the zebra crossing.

Out into the fields, much more exciting here.

We have lots of gates nowadays and not so many stiles.

Some gates make great swings.

Smile please.

Just waiting here to see everybody through the gate.

An old creepy railway tunnel, great for budding artists also exciting for budding hikers.

A short stop for a group photo. 

Camera man in the picture too.

A little bit of drizzle.

Then some sunshine.

Our half way stop.

It's a birthday celebration day. Yippee!

Happy birthday to you sung at a very loud 30 people decibels to embarrass the birthday girl and to inform all the neighbours that a card is required quickly.  Embarrassment all round.

Follow me.

Nice flowers on this house.

Cakes at the ready.

After the cutting, the demolishing. There wasn't much left to photograph.

Big thanks to our lovely hostess.  After a really good break we continued on the return leg from Broughton Astley to Cosby by a different route.

Somebody left a straw brick in the way.

We all went around it not over it.

Nearly there now.

A problem with some inquisitive cows.

A lot of shouting and good common sense allowed all the walkers to get through the stiles without any mishaps.

  Last over the stile with the cows closing in - phew!                                     

Back into Cosby .

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